Jul 13, 2021Liked by Alex Roddie

Great advice, I worked from home self employed years ago and found it difficult to switch off, it was too easy to nip back online and catch up with emails, new sales etc. I was relieved to get back into an office where I left work behind once home.

This time has been better on that front but after months of poor posture and foot placement I developed heel pain which has taken months to relieve. I tried a physio who reckons he's never been busier with so many having been forced home sitting on settees with laptops for hours causing issues like mine and bad backs, necks, etc. He recommended a sit-stand desk riser which I love plus exercises and a daily walk. Switching from sitting to standing a few times during the day is almost joyous. I'm happier working from home and hopefully healthier now too.

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Thanks, Martin – great comments! I can well believe that physios are seeing an increase in health problems due to home working. Laptops just aren’t good for you long term. That’s a great tip about switching from switching to standing a few times a day – I often do this myself.

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